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The Program

Image by Julia Caesar

Is this right for you?

There are some requirements  to be able to qualify for participating in the program.

You will need to be relatively stable in your home or living environment to ensure that you have adequate space and internet access. A Laptop or Tablet with a reliable camera and earphones are compulsory.
Mobile phones are not permitted.

You must also demonstrate that you are relatively stable enough to be able to participate fully in the program. As much as this is a recovery program, due to its level of intervention, and depending on the individual themselves, space and room to process in ones life is required.

A 20 Minute Call is required to interview you and to discover whether you are suitable for the program. It is also an opportunity to go through any questions you have about the program.

Enquiries outside of Australia are Welcome.

The Inner Child Program

The Inner Child Recovery program, is a set structure of internal exercises based on specialised, therapeutic hypnotherapy techniques that target and access key areas of the "psyche model of self" in order to create a synthesis, thus repairing the fractures in the psyche and harmonising the energy layers of the human energy field. The program is designed as an "Intervention" that addresses the cognitive, mystical, emotional and behavioural aspects overall, so as to provide a new base structure for the personality to build from. It bridges the metaphysical, transpersonal and psychological in order to sustain the "new self model" to exist from. 

The Program Syllabus


This is a 7 Session Program with 1 additional Foundation Session. The foundation session is also for those who have never experienced Hypnotherapy before. It will  familiarise you to the Hypnotherapy experience, and also create the right environment within for the Inner Child Program to follow on from.
Each session is 2 hours in duration. The sessions include Counselling and Hypnotherapy for the required outline of the days  content to cover.


The program spreads over  13 weeks, with a session every 2 weeks to allow for integration and processing. There is a set sequence of dates that you will be given to choose from.  Upon the booking of your starting date, the remaining 7 sessions are booked in advance also to ensure the consistency of the program.


There are 7 additional Integration Calls in between the program sessions. This is to provide any support where needed and an opportunity for coaching, self awareness and growth. This is an organic process as it depends on what is needed for the individually intuitively based on what they present.


We are happy to provide you with the fees in your free interview call. This is a one - on - one program, therefore we are offering individual care and support. 


What is our mission?

OUR MISSION IS: To provide a high-quality program that encompasses the Inner Child Program, and also offers you the space to introspectively assess your life’s trajectory. This process facilitates a deeper understanding of your identity, your inherent values, and aspects of your selfhood that may not be in alignment with your authentic existence. Our ultimate goal is to guide you towards honoring your true self in all facets of life.

We Deliver

Online in the comfort of your own environment.

A discount for yourself and another if you both enrol in the program at the same time.

A set structure so you can allow for your own time management and care.


A method where you don't need to have prior experience with Hypnotherapy or Meditation.

Making time for a small commitment to gain the benefits from for the rest of your life.

Value for Money compared to other Inner Child practices or therapies.

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Are you ready to participate in?


Repairing attachment wounding & abandonment.

Improve and enhance your behaviour and communication within your relationships.

Hand Touching Water

Identifying core issues that have subconsciously impacted self potential.

Releasing trauma patterns & trauma bonds that keep repeating in other areas of life.


Improving one's ability for manifestation & abundance.

Alter your personal vibrational field to communicate more radiance.


Enhancing the connection with your higher self.

A stronger sense of "self" with the ability to generate & motivate from within, so that self doubt is no longer the default of discernment.

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Balancing the masculine & feminine energies within.

Experience a balancing of both of these energies within for a much more balanced personality.

Image by Tim Mossholder

A stronger sense of "self" with the ability to generate & motivate from within.

Self acceptance to be with the shadow self as well as the acceptance for new learnings and inner wisdom.


The Inner Child Program

Synthesis, through a guided process 

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